You can find on this page the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map to print and to download in PDF. The Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map presents the flag of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) in the area map of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia). And also the history of the flag of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) in Eastern Europe.

Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map

Maps of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag

The Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map shows the flag of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) in empty Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) map. This flag map of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) will allow you to know the history, origins and composition of the flag of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) in Eastern Europe. The Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The author of Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag is Jaroslav Kursa (1875–1950), an archivist of the Department of Home Affairs, as the original author of the present flag appearance. The flag contains red and white colors derived from the ancient Coat of arms of Bohemia; because the flag was almost identical with the Polish flag and had the same colors as the Austrian flag, a blue wedge was added in 1920 (The version without the wedge is identical to the flag of Bohemia). The Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag was officially approved by the National Assembly of Czechoslovakia (ČSR) on 30 March 1920. Since then, it has been used continuously, excluding the World War II occupation years. During the Prague Spring (1968) and the Velvet Revolution (1989) the flag served as the dominant symbol of national unity as its mentioned in Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map.

The national flag of the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) (Czech: státní vlajka České republiky) is the same as the flag of the former Czechoslovakia. Upon the dissolution of Czechoslovakia the Czech Republic kept the Czechoslovak flag while the Slovak Republic adopted its own flag. The first flag of Czechoslovakia was based on the arms, and was white over red. This was identical to the Flag of Poland, so a blue triangle was added at the hoist. The flag was banned by the Nazis in 1939, and a horizontal tricolor of white, red, and blue was enforced as its shown in Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map. The original flag was restored in 1945. When the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) and Slovak Republics separated in 1993, the Czechs adopted a flag identical to the former flag of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, in direct violation of the constitutional act that explicitly forbids former federal symbols to be used by the two successor states.

In the year 1990, though, while the constitution of the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) and Slovak Federal Republic was in progress, both the Czech National Council and the Slovak National Council (CNR in its Act No.67/1990 Sb., SNC in its Act No.50/1990 Sb) introduced the national flags of the two constituent republics so that each would take up the continuity of the original symbols of the lands. Hence, the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) brought into use its national flag made up of two equally broad stripes, a lower red one, and an upper white one, with the width:length ratio equal to 2:3. The same ratio of 2 to 3 was laid down for the national flag of the Slovak Republic made up of three equally broad horizontal stripes arranged as follows: upper - white, middle - blue, lower - redas you can see in Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) flag map.